Bundle10 MicroLearning courses to enhance and refresh your knowledge around mental health in the workplace.
Taming Your Scaredy Cat eBook
CourseIf stress is ongoing, long-lasting and is beginning to impact on your functioning, it’s worth taking a look to see if it’s something more than stress. This book will help you to understand stress and anxiety, and to develop strategies to manage it.
Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding Intersectionality - MicroLearning
CourseIntersectionality describes how the multiple elements of a person’s identity, can combine and lead to oppression, discrimination and exclusion with greater impacts than if only one form of diversity were experienced.
Listen Loudly: 4 Steps to Activate Compassionate Listening - MicroLearning
Psychosocial Safety - MicroLearning
CoursePsychosocial safety refers to the safety of the individual within work systems and relationships.
Continuum of Mental Health - MicroLearning